Shopping, reinvented.

The age of the customer

Today’s shopping experience is fundamentally different compared to a few years ago.

AppCity is developing new mobile app technologies to help retailers retain their customers’ purchasing intentions in the store using powerful mobile apps with unique algorithms and widespread data-scanning services, new infrastructure and software combinations will provide direct in-store transactions with customers. With this comes realtime data on in-store shopping behavior for descriptive, predictive and prescriptive analytics. As the retail sector moves towards a dynamic pricing era, AppCity will provide solutions to bring value to both retailers and their customers.

The mobile phone is the new in-store shopping tool.

Consider these facts:


of shoppers say they consult their phones on purchases they are about to make in a store


say they have changed their minds while in a checkout line after looking up details on a smartphone


of those searches lead to a purchase outside the store

AppCity Solutions believes that mobile technology that is customer-centric can also be retail-centric.

To find out more, contact us today at